Project Financing and PPP

In the situation in which public bodies in Italy currently find themselves the traditional methods of carrying out work for the public (based upon the classic tendering system) is being adopted less and less in favour of other forms of public work. Limits to debt and the stability pact have rendered it an absolute necessity to look to Public Private Partnerships (PPP) which calls for the intervention of private operators in the context of public investments.

Among the instruments most commonly used for the construction and management of infrastructure, project financing plays a significant role. The regulations governing public contracts have recently been modified to allow private operators to propose investment projects to public administrations even when these are not included in the triennial plan for public investments (art. 183, comma 15 D.Lgs. 50/2016), opening up thus unlimited opportunities on both sides.

The complexity of these operations however requires a specific set of skills and a high level of professionalism in order to guarantee the balance of interests between the public and the private players. La Core Business can offer specialist services during each phase of a PPP, from its conception to its confirmation and the completion of the work itself, including:

• Analysis of the needs the investment looks to satisfy

• Analysis of the user base, of demand and supply that may already be present in the area

• Drawing up of the preliminary project

• Drawing up of the economic and financial plan and guidelines

• Finding financing and/or investors

• Verification of the presence of viable alternatives and definition of the optimum path to be followed by the administration

Whether we are talking project financing, construction permits, management licenses, finance leasing or any other instrument used in PPPs, our company provides a fundamental and complete support to its clients, be these Public Bodies or private investors, thus facilitating a positive outcome and guaranteeing that the objectives of all those involved are met (profitability of the private investor and socially acceptable pricing and shares for the public body).